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Revision as of 06:04, 11 July 2009 by TTEchidna (talk | contribs)
Welcome to Bulbagarden Archives!

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What is Bulbagarden Archives?

Bulbagarden Archives is an integral part of the Bulbawiki system, designed to handle all non-text files, as a repository for pictures. All pictures to be used on Bulbapedia and other Bulbawiki services will be, if possible, hosted on the Archives.

Archives Cleanup Month

Today, Bulbapedia Editor-in-Chief TTEchidna has declared July, 2009 to be Archives Cleanup month. During this and coming months, edits on Bulbagarden Archives will be primarily done to clean up our image repository, so as to facilitate location of images. If you can, pitch in and help, but please ask before you do so that we can coordinate the cleanup process. Inquiries can be made on the Main Page's talk page.

Bulbagarden Archives is part of Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden.