File talk:Solidad Slowbro Shellder.png

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The miniature in Bulbapedia kept the logo. Can this bug be fixed? This one doesn't seem to fix by itself. - unsigned comment from Duke R (talkcontribs)

What one do you mean, the ones dated 7th Jan, or the Oct one? Try refreshing the page a couple of times, that usually fixes problems like this for me. XVuvuzela2010X 15:55, 8 January 2012 (UTC)
Sorry, I forgot to sign. Galleries like the ones in Form differences use the 120px miniature in the File history section, but often these differ from the file page in and in, sometimes being not the last one uploaded. I don't know if I made myself clear, sorry. Well, I'll try to refresh more. |) u |( e 16:09, 8 January 2012 (UTC)
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