I really would have preferred that roman numerals were used in the generation category names. Please correct the templates, and when that is done, I will run a script that will regenerate the category contents. - 振霖T 16:02, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

Also, there is no need for such large <noinclude> sections. It doesn't really serve any purpose and adds unnecessary baggage to the template - each time it needs to be retrieved the whole thing including the <noinclude> sections. - 振霖T 16:05, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

I was unaware it read the noinclude sections. I'll remove them. I changed the back sprite template to III instead of 3, it was the only one I made so far, and since that used the template every sprite has been moved automatically. I'll make sure to use roman numerals for the rest. Feel free to delete the old category, as it's empty. MK 18:49, 19 October 2006 (UTC)