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Image Sizes

Please don't go uploading images with tons of white space. There's no reason a very small fanmade sprite would need a canvas size of 11520px×8992px. Even Paint allows you to crop images to suitable sizes. Please make sure that, whenever you're saving an image for upload, to not put the image on a canvas bigger than it needs. --Shiningpikablu252 18:19, 14 March 2009 (UTC)

We're serious, Craig. TTEchidna 22:40, 20 March 2009 (UTC)

Personal use image

Hello. On the Bulbagarden Archives, you are limited to two personal images. Please choose the one you would like deleted.--Mew a.k.a. Prmatt11 00:49, 22 March 2009 (UTC)


The archives isn't your dump to add your own junk to. You are supposed to use photobucket or another image hosting site. Quit clogging up our Archives and recent changes with your fancruft. Maverick Nate 00:30, 28 March 2009 (UTC)