Hello. You may only have 2 personal images. Please choose the two you would like to keep, and then the others will be deleted. This policy is in place so that users will not upload a lot of images, taking up server space. Thank you, --Mew a.k.a. Prmatt11 17:41, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

personal image limit

Sorry, but you have reached the personal image limit. Please choose which one would you like to delete and put the {{delete}} on it. Thanks, Kevzo8 13:11, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

That's one. The limit is two.--Mew a.k.a. Prmatt11 14:30, 20 June 2009 (UTC)
Look closely. Check his contributions. You'll see. Kevzo8 14:36, 20 June 2009 (UTC)