
Welcome to the Bulbagarden Archives, Reinhartmax!

By creating your account you are now able to upload images to help Bulbapedia and Bulbanews. Before you jump in, take a look at these helpful tips:

  • Uploaded images must meet several requirements. Please see the upload form and/or manual of style before you upload a new image.
  • All images need categories and license tags. Save time and fill them out as you upload. There are many different licenses - be sure to pick the best fit.
  • Use meaningful filenames. Make them descriptive so that searchers can find your images easily.
  • Personal images are no longer allowed. Any personal images found will be deleted on sight.
  • If you don't have any images to submit, you can still help out.
  • If you have any more questions, see the FAQ or ask a staff member.
Thank you, and have a good time uploading here!
  Pattyman (talk) 20:27, 26 April 2017 (UTC)  

Edit warring

Hey, the usual rules of edit warring still apply here. I have reverted Rahl's images multiple times in the past on the basis that "just because it's in color doesn't automatically make it better than a black and white image". There's a weird cropping on one of Mareanie's tentacles that I just noticed, so I changed it back. So please actually ask me before you just revert it back. Thanks. Ataro (talk) 22:31, 29 September 2018 (UTC)

OK. Sorry about that. Reinhartmax (talk) 21:54, 6 October 2018 (UTC)


Please do not, under any circumstance, upload fanart. It's not allowed. Ataro (talk) 00:49, 26 November 2018 (UTC)

Shiny sprites

We have reason to beleive the custom sprites you are uploading are from the PokéSprite project on Github. Because these sprites are fanworks, we cannot permit their upload. You will receive a one-hour block as a warning. - Chosen (Talk) 23:56, 28 February 2019 (UTC)

Manga screenshots

I know a source that allows for good quality screenshots for the Gol, Silver & Crystal chapter of the manga. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 15:42, 23 January 2021 (UTC)