
Welcome to the Bulbagarden Archives, Chenzw!

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Thank you, and have a good time uploading here!
  PikaTepig999 08:36, 15 April 2016 (UTC)  

Title screens

Thank you for your contributions to the 3DS games so far! Could I request that you redo the English and Japanese X and Y title screens so they include the bottom screen displays like Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire do? Thanks in advance! - Chosen of Mana 18:31, 22 May 2016 (UTC)

The title screens for X and Y are initially blank at the bottom. It's only later on when the contents of the bottom screen transition to the in-game demo-like thing (rendered demonstrations of Kalos' game features). Is there a particular frame that is preferred? Chenzw (talk) 02:29, 23 May 2016 (UTC)
No, X/Y should absolutely have Xerneas/Yveltal in the exact same context as Groudon/Kyogre appear. The bottom screen really shouldn't be blank until the gameplay reels start playing. If you're using a ROM, try checking a physical (untouched) cart if you can, and then check that nothing's wrong with the ROM you're using. Tiddlywinks (talk) 17:44, 23 May 2016 (UTC)
Sorry, looks like I jumped the gun on this one and didn't notice the mascots' appearance a few frames later. The new images are being uploaded. Chenzw (talk) 02:09, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

You're awesome, can you make the rest of overworld models in Gen VI, and better 3D VS models with the same size, please --HoopsterJohn (talk) 20:40, 30 May 2016 (UTC)

Hi, if you can point out the filenames/game characters which need improvements, please do so, and I will take a look at them when I am free. You might want to discuss them under a new section (click here, or the "+" tab at the top of this page) on this page. Chenzw (talk) 02:42, 31 May 2016 (UTC)

Nameless Cavern

Just a heads up in case you weren't aware, we'd actually like to have an image of the exterior portion of Nameless Cavern too.

Also, can you explain a bit of how you get the images like the one you uploaded for the Nameless Cavern? It'd be nice to know in case a time comes when we need something else and you or someone like you isn't around. ;)

And thanks for all your work! I, for one, am very happy to see all these things finally filling out. ^_^ Tiddlywinks (talk) 03:55, 15 June 2016 (UTC)