File talk:Garchomp Mega Evolve XY.png

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Revision as of 05:59, 16 March 2014 by Jdthebud (talk | contribs) (→‎Animation speed and size)
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Animation speed and size

I want to talk about this image a bit before I put it...wherever. If you've got an opinion regarding this thing, I want to hear it. =)

First things first: it's "playing" at 5 fps, and the resultant animation is not smooth. Unfortunately, 5 fps is the fastest I could get it and still come in under the Archives size limit. The lowest frame rate I could get that was still pretty smooth was 10 fps, but that was 3.7 MB, so unless someone will increase the Archives size limit, or if a staff member could upload that despite the size limit, 5 fps might be the best we can do. (If anyone would like, I can send you the full 30 fps set of images that I derived this animation from. Maybe you can see if you can get better FPS by lowering the quality or upping the compression or something. I didn't try a lot of that.)

So, I wonder: if 5 fps is the best we can do for this, is that good enough? (I.e., is the current image acceptable for use on Bulbapedia?)

Secondly...would we want animations like this for every Mega Pokemon? In my mind, the scales teeter between "5 fps isn't that great" and "Gotta catch 'em all!!!". I lean towards the latter, in the end, but maybe that's just me...? At the very least, I think at least one animation like this would be a good demonstration for the Mega Evolution page.

(A more minor point: I chose the animation start frame for being flashy and evocative, but it's easy to adjust if anyone thinks there's a better option. This is the first animation I've put together...)

So. Thoughts, anyone? Tiddlywinks (talk) 14:01, 15 March 2014 (UTC)

Staff members are able to upload past 2 MB, just ask them on their talk page. Get it as smooth as you can (Am I correct in assuminng you have more frames than are displayed here?) and upload it on an image hosting site like Photobucket, then link to it when asking the staff to upload it. Jdthebud (talk) 16:34, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
Also, are you able to show the end of the evolution? The current image only has the Mega stone activating and does not show the resulting Mega Garchomp. Jdthebud (talk) 16:38, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure that's Mega Garchomp and not regular Garchomp... Garchomp's Mega Evolution just doesn't have the most striking differences. The blade color is about the biggest thing, and it's definitely red at the end of the animation.
I'll approach a staff member with some options, then. The full 30 fps animation is over 13 MB, but you can't really tell much (if any) difference at 15 or 10 fps. Tiddlywinks (talk) 23:59, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
Oh, okay, that's my bad, it does seem to be Mega Garchomp. I hope you are able to work it out. Jdthebud (talk) 05:59, 16 March 2014 (UTC)
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