
Welcome to the Bulbagarden Archives, Sir Bakujirou S.!

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Thank you, and have a good time uploading here!
  Sir Bakujirou S. 18:22, 12 November 2011 (UTC)  

TCG 2 Sprites

Yes I do have the sprites, I just have not had a chance to finish Uploading them, I will though. But if you want to feel free to work on them as well.

Creoix 07:20, 13 November 2011 (UTC)

Well, i'm happy for your answer. I'm worked in these sprites too. I have started the rip of two sets, Legendary Pokémon and Fossil Islands. Thanks!

[Ninja Latios] Sir Bakujirou 02:30, 14 November 2011 (UTC)

No worries go right ahead and upload for the Beginning Pokemon Set, and do whatever you see best as long as it follows the Bulbapedia Rules.

Creoix 09:19, 14 November 2011 (UTC)


Hi there, please remember to add the approriate categories to any images you upload. For example, File:TCG2 F12 Poliwag.png should have Category:Poliwag and Category:Pokémon Card GB2 sprites. XVuvuzela2010X 15:20, 25 December 2011 (UTC)