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  ht14 04:41, 11 January 2021 (UTC)  

Dream artwork

Hello! I was wondering where you got the newest Dream artwork. ht14 20:42, 22 January 2021 (UTC)

Hi! I got it from the "Pokémon: Kids Winter Fest" badge collection. I've gathered all the pics missing from the wiki and I'm slowly uploading it all.FrenchOrange (talk) 20:49, 22 January 2021 (UTC)
No problem! Do you mind actually using this instead? File:###Pokémon name_WF.png I realize that all the Dream art really needs a huge overhaul, but these images are technically different from that of the Dream World. You can use the template I just created (WFart). The only difference between WFart and DWart is the template name. ht14 20:53, 22 January 2021 (UTC)
Sure thing! By the way I was wondering if it was fine if I moved a few images, since for example I've got artwork for female Unfezant, and I figured renaming the male one as "521Unfezant Male Dream.png" would make sense in terms of consistency.FrenchOrange (talk) 21:15, 22 January 2021 (UTC)
Hmm... I think we only have that one as default since there was no female artwork for Dream World, but if you're saying you do have it for Dream World, I don't see why not. Just to clarify again, the images that are being uploaded are from the Winter Fest, correct? I'd rather keep it in there specifically. ht14 21:07, 22 January 2021 (UTC)
Yeah they're from WF, which otherwise uses DW artwork in most cases. A select few of its "new" artwork also seems to have been used in other places, like the Pokémon Center website, but since here it's front and center instead of being limited to a microscopic thumbnail I assume it's only fair we use the WF tag. By the way, in retrospect my question was kinda dumb since yeah, that female artwork is from WF, I apologize for the lack of clarity.FrenchOrange (talk) 21:15, 22 January 2021 (UTC)
The reason I personally feel that they should be uploaded again is because they're from a different source, at least the way I'm processing it. (For reference, we have images from Pokémon Channel that are repeated in Dream World.) Hm, I guess for those that are originally from Dream World, we can keep those as Dream World? I'll have to talk to the other admins about that. If we could keep Dream as the latter case, then that'll save us a lot of time. I'll keep you up to date. ht14 21:32, 22 January 2021 (UTC)
Sure! In the mean time I'll stick to the WF tag.FrenchOrange (talk) 21:52, 22 January 2021 (UTC)

(resetting indent) Hello! So I talked to the other admins, and the consensus we came to was that we'll be combining all the artwork from WF, Dream World, and Pokémon Channel together. In terms of filenames, we'll be using a new one, but don't worry too much about that; I can handle that part. So, for the images that are duplicates in the Winter Fest, you can actually upload on top of them (presuming the file is larger). I have for an example this image for your reference. For those that are duplicates of older files, simply upload the newer version (again, presuming the file is larger), and then add the wfart template to that file.

If that is confusing, feel free to let me know. Thanks so much for your help! ht14 04:20, 31 January 2021 (UTC)