The most recent CoroCoro has Sugimori art for a number of the new Pokemon not in here: Jalorda, Enbuoh, Daikenki, Haderia, Lepardas, Hatooboo, Kenhorou, Zeburaika, Gantoru, Kokoromori, Otamaru, Dageki, Kurumayu, Hahakomori, Fushide, Hoiiga, Waruvile, Darumakka, Ishizumai, Purotoga, Chillaccino, Yuniran. Not sure where it's legal to get the cleaned up artwork tho. MajinNecro69 02:15, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
Should Bellossom's GS and FRLG artwork not be switched around to match the order of every other Pokémon?--ShinyPatch (talk) 13:52, 20 January 2014 (UTC)