Welcome to Bulbagarden Archives, Kenji-girl. Please read the checklist when you upload media files, and be sure to tag all images. - 振霖T 07:28, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

When using tags, just use the template inclusion syntax. There is no need to copy the content of the tags out completely. - 振霖T 22:33, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

That means using double brackets ({{), the template title, and the closing double brackets (}}). TTEchidna 22:38, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

You are usually pretty good at this but...

categorize all uploads with as many categories as possible. This will help prevent duplicates from showing up. You are a major contrbutor for CoD's, so this category: [[Category:Characters of the day]]; will probably help you out.

Platinum Moves

Could you give me a list of the moves with new animations so I can get a better pic of them? Tc26 09:52, 15 September 2008 (UTC)