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From main series game, I have an access to:Yellow, Crystal, Ruby, Emerald and LeafGreen (if not counting SoulSilver where I have only one badge).
#REDIRECT [[bp:User:Eridanus]]
==What now I do==
*Add all moves animation from [[bp:Category:Generation I moves|Generation I]] (68/167{{tt|*|167th is Japanese Thunderbolt}}; 40.7%; as of 16th May 2011)
Why:There is very few files of moves animation in that Generation, and as I have access to it, it shouldn't be wasted (although some moves will be {{tt|unaccessible|Either signature of version-exclusive, or TM-only, and I don't have this TM... yet}}, and Thunderbolt has 2 animations, one for Japanese games, and one for other languages).
Below is list of moves.
*Absorb [X]
*Acid [X]
*Acid Armor [X]
*Agility [X]
*Amnesia [X]
*Aurora Beam [X]
*Barrage [X]
*Barrier [X]
*Bide []
*Bind [X]
*Bite [X]
*Blizzard [X]
*Body Slam [X]
*Bone Club [X]
*Bonemerang [X]
*Bubble [X]
*BubbleBeam [X]
*Clamp []
*Comet Punch [X]
*Confuse Ray [X]
*Confusion [X]
*Constrict [X]
*Conversion [X]
*Counter []
*Crabhammer [X]
*Cut [X]
*Defense Curl [X]
*Dig [X]
*Disable [X]
*Dizzy Punch [X]
*Double Kick [X]
*Double Team [X]
*Double-Edge [X]
*DoubleSlap []
*Dragon Rage [X]
*Dream Eater []
*Drill Peck [X]
*Earthquake [X]
*Egg Bomb [X]
*Ember [X]
*Explosion [X]
*Fire Blast [X]
*Fire Punch [X]
*Fire Spin [X]
*Fissure [X]
*Flamethrower [X]
*Flash [X]
*Fly [X]
*Focus Energy [X]
*Fury Attack [X]
*Fury Swipes [X]
<!--- 46!
Note:This reminds how many moves with X are above, so I can easily count how many moves already have animation--->
*Glare []
*Growl [X]
*Growth [X]
*Guillotine [X]
*Gust [X]
*Harden [X]
*Haze [X]
*Headbutt [X]
*Hi Jump Kick [X]
*Horn Attack [X]
*Horn Drill [X]
*Hydro Pump [X]
*Hyper Beam [X]
*Hyper Fang [X]
*Hypnosis [X]
<!--- 60 !--->
*Ice Beam [X]
*Ice Punch [X]
*Jump Kick [X]
*Karate Chop [X]
*Kinesis []
*Leech Life [X]
*Leech Seed []
*Leer []
*Lick []
*Light Screen []
*Lovely Kiss []
*Low Kick []
*Meditate []
*Mega Drain []
*Mega Kick []
*Mega Punch []
*Metronome []
*Mimic []
*Minimize []
*Mirror Move []
*Mist []
*Night Shade []
*Pay Day []
*Peck []
*Petal Dance []
*Pin Missile []
*Poison Gas []
*Poison Sting []
*PoisonPowder []
*Pound []
*Psybeam []
*Psychic []
*Psywave []
*Quick Attack []
*Rage []
*Razor Leaf []
*Razor Wind []
*Recover []
*Reflect []
*Rest []
*Roar []
*Rock Slide []
*Rock Throw [X]
*Rolling Kick []
*Sand-Attack []
*Scratch []
*Screech []
*Seismic Toss []
*Selfdestruct []
*Sharpen []
*Sing []
*Skull Bash []
*Sky Attack []
*Slam []
*Slash []
*Sleep Powder []
*Sludge []
*Smog []
*SmokeScreen []
*Softboiled []
*SolarBeam []
*SonicBoom []
*Spike Cannon []
*Splash []
*Spore []
*Stomp []
*Strength []
*String Shot []
*Struggle []
*Stun Spore []
*Submission []
*Substitute []
*Super Fang []
*Supersonic []
*Surf []
*Swift []
*Swords Dance []
*Tackle [X]
*Tail Whip []
*Take Down []
*Teleport []
*Thrash []
*Thunder []
*Thunder Wave []
*ThunderPunch []
*ThunderShock []
*Thunderbolt (Japanese) []
*Thunderbolt (Non-Japanese) []
*Toxic []
*Transform [X]
*Tri Attack []
*Twineedle []
*ViceGrip []
*Vine Whip []
*Water Gun []
*Waterfall []
*Whirlwind []
*Wing Attack []
*Withdraw []
*Wrap []

Latest revision as of 10:13, 19 January 2014

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