Category talk:Ken Sugimori Pokémon artwork: Difference between revisions

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The most recent CoroCoro has Sugimori art for a number of the new Pokemon not in here:
The most recent CoroCoro has Sugimori art for a number of the new Pokemon not in here:
{{p|Jalorda]], {{p|Enbuoh]], {{p|Daikenki]], {{p|Haderia]], {{p|Lepardas]], {{p|Hatooboo]], {{p|Kenhorou]], {{p|Zeburaika]], {{p|Gantoru]], {{p|Kokoromori]], {{p|Otamaru]], {{p|Dageki]], {{p|Kurumayu]], {{p|Hahakomori]], {{p|Fushide]], {{p|Hoiiga]], {{p|Waruvile]], {{p|Darumakka]], {{p|Ishizumai]], {{p|Purotoga]], {{p|Chillaccino]], {{p|Yuniran]]. Not sure where it's legal to get the cleaned up artwork tho. [[User:MajinNecro69|MajinNecro69]] 02:15, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
{{p|Jalorda}}, {{p|Enbuoh}}, {{p|Daikenki}}, {{p|Haderia}}, {{p|Lepardas}}, {{p|Hatooboo}}, {{p|Kenhorou}}, {{p|Zeburaika}}, {{p|Gantoru}}, {{p|Kokoromori}}, {{p|Otamaru}}, {{p|Dageki}}, {{p|Kurumayu}}, {{p|Hahakomori}}, {{p|Fushide}}, {{p|Hoiiga}}, {{p|Waruvile}}, {{p|Darumakka}}, {{p|Ishizumai}}, {{p|Purotoga}}, {{p|Chillaccino}}, {{p|Yuniran}}. Not sure where it's legal to get the cleaned up artwork tho. [[User:MajinNecro69|MajinNecro69]] 02:15, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
